Workshop: Tweet"Java 8 Workshop"
Why take this course?
Java 8 encourages a different style of programming that:
- lets you cope for requirement changes (less engineering efforts!)
- lets you take advantages of multi-core architecture easily (faster code!)
- lets you process large collections with SQL-like operations (do more in less time!)
- lets you write more concise code (better readability & maintainability!)
In this one-day workshop you learn how to make use of new Java 8 features (lambdas, method references, streams, default methods etc) to achieve all of the above.
The course will contain lectures, quizzes, live coding examples and unit test exercises. The workshop is structured as follows and based on the upcoming book "Java 8 Lambdas in Action":
1) Why you should care about Java 8?
- Big data & multi-core
- Functional programming
2) Behaviour as data
- Coping with requirement changes
- Behaviour parameterisation
- Anonymous classes
- Real word examples: comparator, runnable & GUI events
3) Lambda expressions
- Syntax
- Where and how to use them
- Putting in practice: Execute around pattern
- Using functional interfaces
- Type checking, type inference & restrictions
- Method references
4) Streams
- Processing collections with SQL-like operations
- Streams vs Collections: laziness & internal iteration
- Filtering & slicing
- Finding & matching
- Mapping: map & flatMap
- Reducing
- Numeric streams: primitive specialisations & ranges
- Building streams
- Infinite streams
5) Collecting Data
- Pre-defined Collectors
- Grouping
- Partitioning
6) Optional
- Patterns for avoiding null-checking
7) Default methods
- Evolving APIs
- Default methods in a nutshell
- Application of default methods
- Multiple inheritance: rules